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Special Rate Variation project for Willoughby City Council

This was a complex and intensive seven-month project, including policy development, general communications and community engagement on a proposed Special Rate Variation (SRV) for Willoughby City Council.


The SRV would involve increasing rates at a higher level than the NSW Government rate peg, to assist Council's financial sustainability and to determine its future funding priorities.


A project plan, engagement plan and budget ($200,000) were developed, approved and then implemented. These plans and budget carefully considered relevant NSW Government guidelines for SRVs.


In the first round of engagement, between September and November 2023, an extensive range of activities were undertaken to make community members aware of four rate rise options, including: 

  • Sending a six-page brochure to 30,000 ratepayers (this brochure was the key tool to explain the benefits and impacts of the four options)

  • Sending out more than 36,000 emails to various databases 

  • Placing 42 pavement sticker signs at around 10 localities 

  • Publishing social media posts which were seen 198,853 times 

  • Distributing at least 1,585 flyers to businesses and passers-by 


An estimated 47% of Willoughby LGA residents stated they were aware of the rate rise options. This was higher than the 34% average awareness rate for other Sydney councils which have undertaken rate rise engagement campaigns. 































Activities to seek feedback from the community on the options included: 

  • Creating a Securing Willoughby’s Future online Have Your Say portal which was visited 5,100 times 

  • An invitation on the Have Your Say portal to complete an online opt-in survey (1,873 respondents filled out the survey) 

  • Commissioning a research company to undertake a representative telephone and online survey of more than 400 residents (survey was weighted to reflect the 18 plus age and gender profile of the LGA) 

  • Holding eleven engagement events, including a stakeholder roundtable with Progress Associations and business groups 

  • Inviting respondents to make comments or submissions to explain their feedback 

  • An online rates calculator

















Following the above engagement, Council had the confidence to select a 15% rate rise as its preferred option.


The Long Term Financial Plan was then re-written to reflect this option, and a further round of engagement then took place on this plan.

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