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Willoughby Community Engagement Strategy

Willoughby City Council is located on Sydney's north shore. It has around 76,000 community members.


Council was required, under the Local Government Act, to develop a statutory Community Engagement Strategy which outlined how it would engage with the community when developing its plans and policies.


A new strategy was created which:

  • Defined Council’s community and stakeholders, including hard-to-reach community members

  • Listed Council’s engagement principles 

  • Explained how these principles could be put into action (“Willoughby's road to engagement success”)

  • Listed compulsory and optional engagement tactics for different levels of engagement activity

  • Encouraged multi-stage engagement for more complicated projects

  • Created a plan listing implementation priorities


The strategy was subject to two rounds of community and stakeholder engagement activity, one round to help develop the draft strategy and a further round during the strategy’s exhibition.


The strategy, and a revised Community Engagement Policy, were adopted in May 2023.



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